Somos expertos en terapia alternativa, holística, natural, quiromasaje y nutrición
This training is for everyone who is fascinated by the world of therapies and spiritual connection and wants to deepen the Akashic Records, channel and develop their therapeutic and creative potential.
To access advanced training it is not necessary to have completed previous levels of Akashic Records.
Explore the memories of your healing soul
As divine beings, we are part of God or the Universe, pure energy!
All the information of the Being is suspended in the ether ... this is a word that comes from the Latin that means heaven.
The Being that is a reflection of God, has the spiritual intention of being in the world and anchoring the spiritual perfection , in the physical experience ... but for this to happen, it is necessary to live many lives, to express the perfection of the Being in this world.
Each life that we live leaves records of our experiences, where we add essential virtues, and there is also the record of "negative" beliefs or patterns, which some call Karma.
The information of each one of these experiences of each life, remains in a place of the ether, this place is called Akasha. In this place we can connect the Akashic Library, the information that we find here is energetically recorded, as if they were archives of the cosmic memory, where all our past, present and future lives are found.
Learning to read our Akashic Records, they connect you with your Akashic Guardians , your Guides and Spiritual Teachers .
You will find information, guidance, clear and wise answers. You will be able to see some of your lives and appreciate what you need to overcome or transform to heal relationships or experiences.
By entering the Akashic Consciousness, and anchoring this information in yourself, or in others, leads you (or leads them) to a Deep and lasting Healing, of understanding of your current and Spiritual life ...
Duration 2 months
Material. All necessary for the course. Manuals and diplomas.
Focused on people who want to be channels of Akashic information.
En este taller aprenderemos sobre el concepto del YIN y el YANG -o energía femenina y masculina-desde una perspectiva práctica, espiritual y filosófica.
-La unión de Shiva y Shakti
-Afinando el cuerpo para el Amor
-Chakras, sintonizando el cuerpo el corazón y el alma
-Daka / Dakini - La cura emocional y sexulal en el hombre y la mujer, y en relación
-El musculo sagrado del amor
-Consciencia Tántrica - La relación sagrada
-La danza y la unión de lo feminino y de lo masculino
-Estiramientos de Laya practica
-Tecnica de masaje sensitivo
-Ritual de centramiento Mantras y Yantras
-Rutual de horna, reconocimiento y adoración
Que conseguiréis.
- Ayuda a encontrar la liberación
-Permite conectar con una/o misma/o y con los demás, uno de los beneficios del Tantra
-Proporciona equilibrio emocional
- Ayuda al aumento de la autoestima, otro de los beneficios del Tantra
- Desbloquea emociones reprimidas
- Mejora la intimidad con tu pareja, entre los principales beneficios del Tantra
Taller día de la mujer.
08 marzo exclusivo para mujeres ( 4 horas 90 € )
Horario 11:00 a 15:00 horas
08 marzo exclusivo para mujeres ( Masaje 2H 65€ )
Horario según disponibilidad.
Imparte Erik Magnolini e Irene Biscalchin expertos en sexualidad y tántra.